Thursday, September 13, 2007

Apres lecture- Augustinian Theodicy/ Good Link

We spoke today about Dr. Svenson's idea of "Theodyssey" as incorporating three aspects,

theodicy, pilgrimage and tourism, wherein pilgrimage is the new mission...

he related his theory to the conception of hurricane katrina, and mentioned two types of theodicy linked to it...that is the religious frame through which the event was conceived,

and one of this was 'Augustinian theodicy' wherein those who suffer are seen to deserve it as a punishment (sent from God) for being 'bad' (ungodly, decadant, immoral) people....

we also spoke about the idea of blame - as a narrative and journalistic structure, as well as perhaps a human phenomenon/'need', and it brought to mind a documentary about a religious group operating in the U.S who who seem to embody all of this..... -then click on documentaries, then 'Louis Theroux', then "The Most Hated Family in America" is a riveting documentary--just trust me and watch 5 minutes of it, and see if your not hooked.....and let me know what you think...


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